We believe that autonomous vehicles should be built safe from the ground up.

Edge Case is the trusted risk-management partner for companies building self-driving trucks, autonomous robotaxis, and smarter passenger cars. We help developers and operators measure, manage, and the risks posed by software driving in the real world. Our mission is to deliver the promise of safe autonomous mobility.

Build, monitor, and measure your live safety case

Edge Case provides the experts and software to efficiently and effectively build your safety argument.

Our customers look to Edge Case to understand and communicate their autonomous system’s safety and to reduce residual risk.


Automated vehicles (AVs) are coming to America’s roadways. They are not coming as quickly as was forecast five years ago—partly because the people developing them now have a clearer understanding of how difficult it is to make them safe—but incremental progress continues to be made in improving AV safety. This progress adds urgency to the need to understand when AVs can be considered acceptably safe—that is, safe enough to operate on public roads without the oversight of a human, professional safety driver.

RAND Corporation // “Safe Enough: Approaches to Assessing Acceptable Safety for Automated Vehicles”

Partnering with the world’s best companies

The Edge Case Approach

Live It Right

Success depends on strong safety culture. You may be building an autonomous system, but at the end of the day it’s about people and process. Plan a feasible roadmap for achieving safe autonomy throughout your system’s lifecycle.

Engineer It Right

Don’t let complexity get in the way of using rigorous engineering techniques. Multiply your system safety experience along with the right hazard analysis tools to accurately assess and then reduce risks.

Operate It Right

“Walk the walk” by operating according to your safety plan. Continuously monitor your risk with the right combination of expert judgment and automated data analysis. Quickly understand and mitigate new risks identified in the field.

The nLoop Live Safety Case

The nLoop live safety case processes data from simulation testing, on-road testing, and field operations to support continuous improvement and re-validation. Traditional safety cases are static documents, out of date the day after they’re approved.


How does nLoop work?

The nLoop architecture begins with artifact and evidence providers that connect to safety engineering work products, development artifacts, design documents, test results, and operational data. Based on this information, nLoop provides insight into hazard tracking and mitigation, traceability, and safety case evaluation. Interfaces allow users to connect to sources of evidence to assess risk, request follow up tests, update the safety case, and generate reports.

Featured Industry: Defense

How Edge Case works in defense


Commercial autonomous trucking is just around the corner, and Edge Case works with multiple customers in the sector. Trucking represents a $4tn market globally. Economic benefits such as increased vehicle uptime and reduced fleet operating costs require that autonomous trucks operate safely at scale.


Edge Case helps developers and operators of robotaxis: fleets of fully-autonomous cars ready to drive passengers through our cities and neighborhoods. Ridehailing is a $35bn business globally with human labor representing a primary cost driver. Autonomy promises to improve safety while expanding network access by driving down costs.

Customers like Uber ATG (now a subsidiary of Aurora) have for years relied on Edge Case to establish safety cases ready for full-scale driverless operation.

Passenger Cars

Not all “software drivers” are fully autonomous. Today, cars feature advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) capable of negotiating traffic jams and changing lanes without human oversight. Well built ADAS promises to save lives on the road and reduce premiums for personal automobile insurance.

Customers like BMW work with Edge Case to perform rigorous safety assessments based on results of scenario testing in high-performance virtual environments.

Delivery and Logistics

Local goods delivery represents a $100bn global business. Other major logistics markets include shuttles, yard operations, and warehousing. Autonomous mobility stands to increase efficiency, expand operations,
and improve reliability of all these applications. But once again, these
benefits only arrive if safety is achieved at scale.